Okay, in this case, a picture isn't worth a thousand words; instead, it's worth a $20 Amazon Gift Card! So I will run a little contest this week, leading up to my appearance at the Passaic County Book Festival on Saturday, June 10th.
The contest is pretty simple. You only have to post a picture of one of my books in your setting. How about one on the back porch, at the beach, in the hot tub, in your living room, or wherever you want! Even better is a photo of you with one of the books. Just post your photo on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and tag me (my Twitter is @AuthorGeraghty, Instagram is @mikegeraghtyauthor, and Facebook is either Mike Geraghty Author or M.Geraghty Author Page), or post the picture directly on my pages, and you are in!
All of this leads to my appearance at the Book Festival this Saturday. I will be at my table from 11 AM to 4 PM, with all my books available for purchase and signing. I am also participating in a panel discussion at 11 AM titled The Book of Love: Capturing the Essence of Romance in Novels Session I. It promises to be a lovely Saturday, so come out and say hello. Sean and Michelle will be there with me, and I think Chester is also coming along! I'll also have some new merchandise to offer to add pictures of tomorrow.
If you don't have one of my books (a picture of the ebook is okay, too!), you can pick one up from my Amazon author page, Barnes and Noble, or on my website! You can download the ebooks from Amazon and have them instantly, and three of my Lacy Hart books - Burnt, Change-Up, and After Midnight - are also available on Audible!
Don't wait too long to enter. I'll share some of the pictures I get as I go along, and you won't want to miss out!
